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13 years ago

Be thankful that we don't already have everything we desire.
If we did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when we don't know something for it gives us the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times we grow

Let us be thankful for our limitations, because they give us opportunities for improvement

Let us be thankful for our mistakes, they will teach us valuable lesson

Be thankful when we are tired and weary , because it means we have made the difference.

Its easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Let us find ways to be thankful for our troubles, and then can become our blessings..

God bless

-your sis, donna -
13 years ago

Live well
In all you do,
Tho' paths be old
Or paths be new,
But to yourself
Be ever true,
Live well!


Laugh often
Tho' passing years
Bring, sometimes, smiles
And, sometimes, tears,
For mirth forever
Warms and cheers
Laugh often!


Love much
For love will bring
The healing joy
And hope of Spring,
Where pain and fear may never dwell
Nor anguish touch….

And so Live well,
Laugh often too,
And more, my dear friend,
Love much!

God bless
take care!

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago
The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment..


When you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy,


When for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality,


and it really happened.”

keep on dreaming
keep on wishing

God bless

13 years ago
13 years ago
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13 years ago

You've had your eyes on that sports car for some time..Why not?

You've thought about a lot about a trip to such places you want but never permitted yourself to do more than think, Why not?

Your hairdo has looked the same for three decades, you've wondered about trying something really chic, Why not?

You long to get your degree, but everybody tells you give up that dream
Should you press on? Why not?

You'd love to throw a big-crazy party with a few happy-go-lucky folks who know how to have fun, Why in the world not?

or maybe simply to dance under the rain...


Why not try or do new different things we're thinking or dying to for a long time..
........ with a a guidance from God above..and with an open heart...


Grace frees us to fly...So, fly!


just a thought....

Keep smiling!

and God bless

13 years ago

You've had your eyes on that sports car for some time..Why not?

You've thought about a lot about a trip to such places you want but never permitted yourself to do more than think, Why not?

Your hairdo has looked the same for three decades, you've wondered about trying something really chic, Why not?

You long to get your degree, but everybody tells you give up that dream
Should you press on? Why not?

You'd love to throw a big-crazy party with a few happy-go-lucky folks who know how to have fun, Why in the world not?

or maybe simply to dance under the rain...


Why not try or do new different things we're thinking or dying to for a long time..
........ with a a guidance from God above..and with an open heart...


Grace frees us to fly...So, fly!


just a thought....

Keep smiling!

and God bless

13 years ago
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13 years ago
Do you know what God's fresh, new morning message to us?


Whether the sun is shining brightly or whether its pouring down rain?
whether the morning is bright or whether it's gray and overcast?
...His promise is the dawn itself


The encouraging message:
"We're still on speaking terms, I'm here, I haven't moved.

Let's go together today!

God bless

keep smiling!


13 years ago

We feel hurt and seems alone-God assures us He cares..

We feel angry and resenrful-God provides wisdom and strength

When we are tempted to quit, God remind us to keep going

When we fear the worst, hope brings reminders that God is still in control..

When we are forced to sit back and wait, hope gives us the patience to trust.

Put simply, when life hurts and dreams fade, nothing helps like having a someone around and God to hold on..

May God give us heart to trust and mind to rest in Him..

God bless

13 years ago
13 years ago
If I have learned anything everyday, it is that people need another, the presence is important
caring people, helpful people, interesting people, friendly people and thoughtful people.


These folks take the grind out of life..
About the time we are tempted to think we can handle things all alone-boom! We run into some obstacle and need assistance.


just a thought..

God bless and good day

13 years ago
hi sis... how r u today?? i hope u'r day fun. my name senorida from Indonesia? how about u sis????
13 years ago Orkut Scraps

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago


"I accept you as you are"
"I believe you are valuable"
"I care when you are hurt"
"I desire only what is best for you"
"I erase all offenses."


There is nothing shallow about authentic love.
Nor it is magic wand we whip out and wave over a problem with whoosh, hoping all the pain will go away


Real love has staying power. It is tough.
It refuses to look for ways to run away.
It always opt for working through
I doesn't cop out because the sea gets stormy and rough
While the world around gives the opposite counsel


Spread love

God bless!

13 years ago

قلت أبكتب قصيده
لكن هل قصايد الكون توفيج
ودي لو كل يوم اكتب جريده
ابين لج فيها مدى حبي و اصبحج فيها و امسيج
اليوم عيدج يا كويت و يا عسى كل اعيادج سعيده
لكن ما عرفت شلون اعبرلج و اغليج
عيد لكل من حب ديرتي اعيده
عيدكم صباح يا كويت اليوم هم يهنيج
هذا يوم نختاره من بد الايام
يوم تستانس فيه كل الانام
يوم 25 فبراير ننتظره كل عام
نزين فيه الكويت بكل الاعلام
يالي ضميتينا في حضنج سنين
على هالشي واجب نحمد رب العالمين
في عمرنا ما اصدرنا اي ونين
عسى ربي يحفظج لنا قولو امين
يارب تدوم الكويت رافعه الراس
أدعي لها من قلبي و بكل احساس

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