Her photoare in addition to your photo ...Rossy. He from so India...
¤¤ Rosi...is the best friends...of everything...forget the anger and annoyed....shared a dream to pursue something... that should I accived. I want to master many lengauge and even then for some reason....¤
¤¤¤your friend.
>>¤ Goodnight .....Rossie !
May all your days be good luck for...!
Yeah thats.. True..

but it'll be more awesome if we meet on FACEBOOK!

¤> Rossie.. goodnight.....!
Now...you don't get mad at me again...huh.
I'm very happy to share the same feeling you...
I hope your days is always full of succes...>
I go now...Rossie. Excused me...bubye..!
If you do not also belive...please you open my questbook in page 'Rafilo' ...you read one by one chat Jeevelinee...let you not be angry to me again.
Partner jealous of my photos...so I had to close my account ''Rafilo''..so that they do not separate relationship...so I took the initiative...but eventually he split too...so now I try to create 'Rafilo43' account...but the album is not online.....!
I was forced to do so at the request of a friend....and also posible your friend too...he is ' Jeevelinee'..¤
Rossie yes.I did so bad and was ugly...excuse me ..!!!!¤
Hello...Rossie. You are my best friend. I could not lie to you....i'm sorry please...!
Now I wil be back before the operator bloked ...okay Rossie ?
Yes...i'm ...friend. I'm sorry....sorry......at you.