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Last login: 14 years ago
Skinner since: 17 years ago
Country/Area: marikina
Gender: Male
Age: 43

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Relation: Is a Secret
Mobile Model: noia 6600
Mobile Operator: 09063546169
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About Me

I consider myself to be a multiplicity of personalities. Intellect, logic and the powers of communication are three primary qualities I value the most. I love the flow of ideas, absorbing all the information I can and passing it on to others. I especially love a witty conversation. I like people who can think quick and dive head first when a flash of brilliance is required. I am a very opinionated person, and it is important to me that people are able to share their perspective on things. I believe I am extremely calm and logical, however, I have absolutely low tolerance for the irrational and overboard displays of emotion - even if I, sometimes, am guilty for it. I admire those who weigh things carefully, those with the gift of gab, and those with bright ideas. These are the kind of people I would like to be around with. Although I am quite the friendly person, I tend to gravitate towards those who I find interesting, those who I feel have something worthy to say or talk about. I can be very brash at times, but I know that oftentimes I need to be fair. I always make it a point to weigh all the pros and cons to even things out. I think diplomacy is a perfect anchor for balance. Above everything, I have a desire for a deeper sense of peace and harmony. I'm not perfect. If anything, I am the world's worst when it comes to "going with the flow". I have a tendency to stick to what other's would later on refer to as "old school". But that doesn't make me any less adventurous than the rest of you. My active mind goes into overdrive sometimes and I can become a little scatterbrained, but at least I remember to come down from the clouds...Well, I'm just another simple guy who wants to meet simple people :-) and wants to make life enjoyable and less drama...

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