About Me
` qeeb is my name ʊ ` fourteen's age ʊ ` muara's live ʊ ` secondary's serasa sch ʊ ` thirty's december date of mine ʊ ` open minded person ;p *but not over, okaaay.* ` loyality is mylife. ʊ ` lalalove to laugh, jokes and cry. ʊ ` im a kind person actually, if you know me already. ʊ ` inda sukaa nyamal :D yeaah, thats the fact boys. ʊ ` message to anyboys ; if you want flirt me, flirt me kindly. dont flirt me with a disgusting things and a disgusting words. okaaay ? ` lastly, im new here. be friend with me. im a loneliness (: ` wanna know alots about me ? add my email ; fyz.1302@hotmail.Com or just search my pisbuk " qeeb hafizi " thanks alots. - THE END - ʊ qeeb decemberians ʊ